Explanation of Project

About eighteen months ago I began to formulate the idea for Unique Dyslexic. The basic idea was to try and develop a hub for all things dyslexic and creative, a place where creative dyslexics could share their talents in a friendly and supportive environment. Moreover, I wanted to enable dyslexics to come together in a coherent community and share their life experiences of being dyslexic in a non- dyslexic world.
After a lot of sweat and toil, I managed to secure funding from The Big Lottery Funding  – Investing in Ideas, Fife Cultural Trust, Fife Creative Learning Network and Foundation Scotland. We have used this funding to set up the Unique Dyslexic website and social media sites. We have also run five creative focussed workshops for dyslexics over the summer of 2014.

We are now in the process of planning and organising the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Festival of Creative Dyslexics which will take place on 29th October 2014.
Finally, I have to say Unique Dyslexic Get Creative is not just about dyslexia, we invite people with Aspergers, ADHD, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, etc, to get involved and share their creative talents with us also.

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