
Here is an invitation to all you dyslexic writers out there. On this page you can share your creative writing, your biography, your poetry etc but remember...

You do not have to be diagnosed as dyslexic and we welcome dyspraxic, dyscalculic, AD(H)D and Aspergers individuals to share their creative talents on our facebook page in Unique Dyslexic Internet site.

We welcome anyone from the neuro-diverse communities to join in and get involved with the Unique Dyslexic Project. If your work is online just send me a link to it and I will at it to this page. If not upload it to the Unique Dyslexic page and then send me a link so I can add it to the Unique Dyslexic site.

Sarah Chapman
Dyslexic Thoughts in Words
Steve McCue's Auto Biography of an Ordinary Dyslexic
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